Bugs 2021.08.14—2024.10.26

hawthornsheildbug261024 Hawthorn Shieldbug Ballanette, Isle of Man
redleggedshieldbug280624 Red-legged Shieldbug Doddington, Kent
allacmafusca160624 Allacma Fusca Ballaugh Plantation, Isle of Man
ditropispteridis160624 Ditropis pteridis Ballaugh Plantation, Isle of Man
duskyant150624 Dusky Ant Ballanette, Isle of Man
whiteleggedsnakedmillipede020624 White legged Snaked Millipede Kilabrega, Isle of Man
commonpondskater160524 Common pond skater Bloxworth, Dorset
southernwoodant150524 Southern Wood Ant Crockford stream, Hampshire
redant140524 Red Ant Higher Hyde Heath, Dorset
redblackfroghopper140524 Red and Black Froghopper Alners Gorse, Dorset
woodants130524 Southern Wood Ants Studland, Dorset
gardenant020524 Garden Ant Douglas, Isle of Man
hairyshieldbug020524 Hairy Shieldbug Douglas, Isle of Man
watercricket280424 Water Cricket Dalby Mountain, Isle of Man
woodroffassassinbug220923 Woodroff Assassin Bug Kelling Heath, Norfolk
rhododendronleafhopper210923 Rhododendron Leafhopper Dersingham. Norfolk
dockbug210923 Dock Bug Burnham Overy, Norfolk
froghopper200923s Froghopper Wells, Norfolk
greenshieldbug040823 Green Shield Bug Douglas, Isle of Man
shieldbug290723 Green Shield Bug Douglas, Isle of Man

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