Caterpillars 2012.09.16—2024.08.18

elephanthawkmoth180824 Elephant Hawkmoth Caterpillar POA NR, Isle of Man
caterpillar130724 Timothy Tortrix Caterpillar Ballanette, Isle of Man
mottledumber140524 Mottled Umber Alners Gorse, Dorset
blossomunderwing150522 Blossum Underwing Caterpillar Lydlinch Common, Dorset
pussmothcat050721 Puss Moth Caterpillar Winterton Dunes, Norfolk
drinker040721 Drinker Moth Caterpillar Catfield Fen, Norfolk
elephanthawkmoth021019 Elephant Hawk-moth Caterpillar The Lizard, Cornwall
browntail290919 Brown-tail Caterpillar Lands End, Cornwall
rubytiger030319 Ruby Tiger Carrbridge, Scotland
pussmothcat160618 Puss Moth Caterpillar Dalby Mountain, Isle of Man
pussmothcaterpillar070816b Puss Moth Caterpillar Round Table, Isle of Man
pussmothcaterpillar070816 Puss Moth Caterpillar Round Table, Isle of Man
cinnabarcat270713 Cinnabar Caterpillar Lakenheath, Norfolk
prominentlarvae200713 Prominent Caterpillar Rushen, Isle of Man
pussmothlarvae210713 Puss Moth Caterpillar Rushen, Isle of Man
gardentiger070513 Garden tiger moth caterpillar Lionacleit, Benbecula
caterpillar160613 Geometrid Caterpillar South Barrule plantation, Isle of Man
drinker070513 Drinker moth caterpillar Lionacleit, Benbecula
knotgrasslarvae160912 Knot Grass Larvae Cornwall

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